As promised in my previous feed, here are the steps to configure JavaHelp for any project in Eclipse.
1. Download latest version of JavaHelp from As of now, available version for download is javahelp2_0_05. In windows, extract zipfiles to a path of your choice from
2. In Eclipse IDE, Add the jars from lib
[For instance: C:\javahelp2_0_05\jh2.0\javahelp\lib, if JavaHelp is saved in “C” directory] to your build path, through “Add External JARs”
3. Also specify the path of Helpset in your build path, to access the .hs file.
[For Example: If path of HelpSet.hs -> “C:\Users\sharan\Desktop\MyJavaHelp\ HelpSet.hs”, then specify classpath as “C:\Users\sharan\Desktop\MyJavaHelp\” under “Add External Class Folder”
Note: For Eclipse beginners, “Add External JARs” & “Class Folder” can be accessed by
· Select your project, press ALT+Enter
· Properties dialog should be shown.
· Select Java Build Path option in left pane
· Move to Libraries tab.
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